Monday, November 16, 2015

Life Style: How to Smooth Skin Naturally

How to Smooth Skin Naturally - Has a smooth skin is not perforated, perforated (smooth) and acne may be the desire of all people, not least my own heheh. However, to achieve all that difficult and very difficult to do it. So for those of you who have a less delicate face health info blog this time will try to review articles on how smooth the skin naturally.

Why should naturally? Because natural is better than we wear cream or beauty products that promise instant results in its use. Actually, one should not still use the cream or beauty products.
How to Smooth Skin
Picture: How to Smooth Skin Naturally
But make sure the product you buy is a legal product and pass labeled BPOM. Moreover before using the product consult a doctor beauty, because not all skin types together with the beauty products on the market, another one use wisely yahh, so there is no negative impact later in the day.

Okay it goes without length we just entered the main keulasan namely how smooth the skin naturally. But before you also have to understand what the hell factors that cause our face is not smooth alias Boleng-Boleng if the Java heehe.

How to Smooth Skin

A. Factors person does not have a smooth face:
Age Factor
Age does determine the firmness and elasticity of the skin of a person, if a person who has entered old age / further then the face and other skin will look dull, dry and wrinkled.
Heredity factors.
Well this factor can be one of the main causes someone to have a face not smooth (pockmarks), if heredity then it is difficult to cure or treat skin is not smooth.
Hygiene factors body.Mungkin we do not realize that by not completely and clean the bath can result becomes dull and blotchy face, after the acne face will leave spots or small holes to make his face is not smooth. Therefore, as much as possible keep the cleanliness of our bodies to the maximum. For acne does not appear and the face becomes smoother course.
B. How smooth the skin naturally.
Using Honey
Benefits of honey for beauty was no more doubts, a lot of articles that explain the benefits of honey for beauty, especially the face, Healty of also been updated info about the benefits of honey for beauty face and lips.

What is it actually makes good honey for beauty, then the answer is because of the many vitamins and good content to our face.

The way is to, apply thinly and evenly honey kewajah us, let stand as should not be washed first, let stand about 15 minutes. By doing it this way on a regular basis you will get smooth skin, free of acne and whiten the face. (a step many benefits)
Using a banana mask
As for how to use banana skin to menghalusakan is by cooking bananas ripe fruit approximately 2-4, then puree bananas which we cook until smooth. After a fine fruit gets smeared face rough, use for about 30 menitan mask, do this way regularly every day so that you can feel the results.
Using Egg Whites
Articles about the benefits of egg whites to beauty is not just this time covered in this blog, why ?? Because the egg whites are very good to make our skin becomes more beautiful, while the benefits of egg whites can be read in full in our article the benefits of egg whites to face.

So while special in this article useful egg white to make your skin smoother, because the pores are large to close. The way is as follows:
1. Prepare the chicken egg.
2. Separate the egg yolks and whites (whites only take the yellow could be scrambled)
3. Use egg whites to a natural face mask.
4. Let the egg whites stuck to dry, or your skin feels stiff to move.
5. Wash your face with cold water, wipe gently with a soft towel.

So. would you train. Good Luck...!
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